Pity the poor post-mounted mailbox, standing sentinel at the edge of your property.
To defend itself against vandals with baseball bats and falling branches—not to mention sleet, snow, or rain—a mailbox should be made of heavy duty metal (preferably steel or reinforced aluminum) and have rustproof hinges, knobs, and screws. A solid steel mail flag is a bonus.
Can it be done without sacrificing style? We think so. Here are 10 of our favorite indestructible mailboxes:
Above: Photograph by Matthew Williams for Gardenista.
Veeders Mailboxes manufactures the Cadillac of mailboxes. Handmade and available in a painted finish (shown) or stainless steel, in two sizes. “Mailbox vandalism is a national pastime. The Veeders Mailbox is made of very thick steel to deal with this reality. All seams are welded full length to maximize strength,” notes the manufacturer. Prices for the four models range from $470 to $850.
Above: Made of heavy gauge steel with a powder coat finish, a Tuff Body Post Mount Mailbox has a vandal resistant design; $72.44 from Home Depot.
Above: Made of 10-gauge steel plate and available in eight powder coat finishes including black as shown, a Titan Curbside Mailbox weighs 30 pounds. “You can rest assured that this virtually indestructible mailbox will last,” says the manufacturer. It is $137 from Mailboxes and Signs.
Above: A heavy duty steel Defender Mailbox is impact- and weather-resistant and has a magnetic catch to keep the door closed; $169 from Marvelous Mailboxes.
Above: A black Parcel Mailbox with extra capacity is made of heavy gauge galvanized steel; $ at Home Depot.
Above: A Heavy Duty Rural Mailbox manufactured by Salsbury Industries has a powder coated finish available in four colors including beige (shown), an extruded aluminum body, and a die cast aluminum door and rear panel. It is $79.08 from Amazon.
Above: A vandal-proof black Gibraltar Rural Tuffbody Mailbox has a heavy steel flag with steel fasteners and is from $69.99 Life and Home.
Above: A Post Mounted Mailbox has a rustproof body and hinges. “The traditional shape of this classic mailbox is the only feature it has in common with a typical curbside mailbox,” says manufacturer Special Lite. “The solid cast aluminum construction, with thick walls provides added strength, and the powder coated finish will maintain a lifetime of beauty.” It is $113.99 from Wayfair.
Above: Embossed with an eagle, a Gibraltar Large Rural Mailbox is “crafted from galvanized steel for unparalleled durability,” says the manufacturer. It is $30.92 from Hayneedle.
Above: A Newport Post Mounted Mailbox has a heavy duty steel body and an overhang to provide protection from foul weather and vandals. It is $109.99 from Wayfair.
See more of our favorite mailboxes:
- 10 Easy Pieces: Classic Rural Mailboxes.
- A Custom Mailbox with Style to Spare.
- Curb Appeal: A White Mailbox That’s Green.
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