The average American family throws away 20 pounds of food a month. This is the equivalent of stumbling upon a buried pirate’s chest full of jewels and gold doubloons–and then leaving it there to rot.
A kitchen compost pail is the solution. Look for one with a wide mouth (to make it easy to throw in scraps of all sizes); a tight-fitting lid (to trap odors inside), and a handle (or handles) for easy transport to the backyard compost bin.
Here are 10 simple and sturdy countertop compost pails for a kitchen:

- Your First Garden: The Surprising (And Best) Reason to Start Composting
- 10 Things Nobody Tells You About Compost
- For a built-in compost bin, see 5 Quick Fixes: In-Counter Compost Solutions.
- 10 Easy Pieces: Wooden Compost Bins
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