A new ancient grain is edging out quinoa as a life-extending superfood (at least in my house): amaranth.
Amaranth and quinoa both are high in protein, can be milled into flour (a complex carbohydrate alternative to white flour), and produce beautiful feathery plumes of seeds that look dramatic in a floral arrangement. So what makes amaranth superior?
Answer: amaranth leaves are as delicious as amaranth grains. In a different way, of course.
Amaranth leaves add a slightly sour kick–think kombucha-meets-lettuce–to a salad. (Yes, quinoa apologists, I know you can also eat quinoa leaves. But they’re a little too leathery for me.)
Amaranth is easy to grow; last year I planted some in a sunny spot and noticed that its growth and vigor quickly outpaced the other leafy greens in the vegetable bed.
Power user tip: pick amaranth leaves when they’re young and still tender (as Above) and toss them into the salad mix.
Above: Photography by Katie Newburn for Gardenista.
About 60 different species of amaranth have been identified; there are purple varieties, as well as yellow, green, red, and orange.
A favorite grain of the ancient Aztecs, amaranth mysteriously fell out of widespread use after the fall of that civilization for reasons that remain unclear. Researchers at the National Academy of Sciences have speculated the reason was that a small-seeded plant like amaranth needs to be babied and is harder to grow than a large-seeded plant like corn.
Milled into flour, amaranth has a distinctive taste that reminds me of grass. In a good way. Check back: tomorrow we’ll be posting my favorite recipe for banana bread made with amaranth flour.
For more ways to use amaranth micro-greens, see A Chef’s Secret Rooftop Garden.
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