I’ve been noticing quite a few garage conversions on my daily get-me-away-from-my-kids-before-I-implode walks. Makes sense. As remote work becomes the norm for many families, homeowners are increasingly desperate to carve out more private space. An unused garage, with the help of a contractor and architect, can become a stand-alone yoga room, guest bedroom, art studio, garage bar (a popular garage conversion in my town for obvious reasons)—truly, any space you can dream up, as long as your local building codes allow for it.
As for me, I’m considering converting our garage—currently musty, dusty, and highly disorganized—into a serene home office where I can work for a few hours without interruption, where I’m far away from the constant demands for snacks and more screen time (if a kid whines and his mom isn’t around to hear it, did it happen?).
Here, 15 great garage conversions from our archives to dream about:
Edinburgh, Scotland
Los Angeles, California
London, England
Studio City, California
San Francisco, California
Melbourne, Australia
Los Angeles, California
Mill Valley, California
Austin, Texas
Oakland, California
Auckland, New Zealand
Los Angeles, California
Portland, Oregon
Los Angeles, California
Washington, D.C.
Find more ways to make better use of the garage:
- Garage Envy: 10 Sleekly Styled Garages
- 10 Easy Pieces: Budget Garage Shelving
- Hardscaping 101: Garage Flooring
N.B.: This post has been updated with new links. It was first published July 2020.
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