Some people can’t leave a hardware store without buying something. We’re that way in garden-supply stores (and websites, too). Here are some special additions we’ve been eyeing this week:
- Zinc-finish circle trays are ideal for serving cool beverages or displaying a garden bouquet. These come in a million sizes.
- Whatever your garden style, you’ll find the path it deserves among these 41 ideas.
- A graceful, easy-to-add architectural element: an arbor. Now, where to put it . . .
- It’s called the Face Planter; get it? Silly, but we love it; from our friends at The Sill.
- A carved-oak rope swing just says summer. Note to self: Need bigger trees.
- Instead of a table runner, a three-foot-long natural branch makes a bold statement for an outdoor banquet.
- Even the humble garden hose likes to dress up with a new accessory now and then.
- Kind of adorable. How else to describe the air plant-seashell jellyfish we found on Etsy?
- Two words: June roses.
For more on Gardenista, take a look at this week’s Life Aquatic issue. And check out Remodelista’s equally oceanic issue.
Finally, don’t forget to submit your outdoor project to this year’s Gardenista Considered Design Awards. Grab your camera; the July 7th deadline is fast approaching!
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