On a trip to LA last week, I found myself admiring the verdant vertical gardens that seemed to be everywhere—adorning storefronts, interior spaces, restaurant patios. A little sleuthing turned up a popular source used by LA designers and architects like Barbara Bestor: Woolly Pockets, modular gardening containers made by a family-owned business based in Los Angeles and Phoenix. Woolly Pockets are flexible, breathable gardening containers that`come in two styles: horizontal or vertical. Handmade in the US from felt made from recycled plastic bottles, lined Woolly Pockets can be used indoors (they have built-in moisture protection to keep floors and walls from getting wet); unlined Woolly Pockets are also available for outdoor gardening when maximum drainage is desired. For user guidelines, go to Woolly Pocket.

Above: At 68 inches in length, the Wally Pocket Three is $91 for the unlined and $125 for the lined at Velocity Art and Design (a five-pocket version is also available).
Above: The Wally Pocket One measures 24 inches wide and is $49 for the lined and $39 for the unlined at Velocity Art and Design.
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