Problem: A balcony with hardly enough room to stand, let alone squeeze a table or chair. Solution: A portable table designed to balance on the edge of the balcony railing. Torafu Architects in Japan worked in collaboration with Ishinomaki Laboratory–a design co-op born of the devastation visited on Ishinomaki, Japan after the 2010 tsunami–to design a genius table for propping in tiny spaces. Even as the weather cools, we’re dreaming about the possibility of a little al fresco entertainment. Hot chocolate for two on the fire escape, anyone?

Above: A moveable arm wraps around the balcony railing and provides a counter balance to the tabletop.

Above: The table collapses for easy transport up to the rooftop or balcony.

Above:The Sky-Deck is available for sale through the Ishinomaki Laboratory online shop for 13,209¥.
Have a little more space on your balcony? Consider this Green Vitrine.
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