With the cold months coming to an end, we are looking forward to the purge that often coincides with warmer temperatures. This week we shared some of our favorite garage storage and organization solutions to jumpstart our spring cleaning.
Here is a collection of links we’ve loved this week:
- Poppies and tulips and more in the Mission.
- A no-fail recipe to combat winter blues.
- The dirt on all-natural cleaning solutions: you’ll never use a toxic cleaner again.
- Thanks, Pine Street Days; your Ultimate List of Seed Starting Resources is, ahem, very comprehensive.
- “If you had really loved something, wouldn’t a little bit of it always linger?” If Susan Orlean were in San Francisco this weekend, we know where she’d head first.
- We agree with Meredith when she says, “…a good garage is at home with the architecture of the house around it.” Here’s her roundup of ten garages with serious style.
- Sunset’s chic houseplants remind us to bring more of the garden indoors.
- Is it almost wedding season already? Yatzer has us thinking about alternative ways to celebrate nuptials.
- Frozen fire escapes in New York make urban gardening a real feat, 66 Square Feet.
- Giant flowers as fashion.
- Can you believe this sleek restaurant’s past life was as a garage?
- Which Remodelista contest is better, the Kay Bojesen flatware giveaway or the $5,000 shopping spree and trip for two to Terrain? On second thought, why choose?
- We never get tired of drinking coffee with Alice Gao.
For more from this week on Gardenista, see Garage Envy.
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