In case your fall travel plans inspire the painter in you, we’ve collected five travel watercolor sets that are just the right size for toting.
Do you have a favorite watercolor set? Let us know in the comments.
Above: Original Design DIY Pocket Sized Watercolor Paint and Art Journal Travel Set is $24.50 from The Nature Walk on Etsy. The set includes a handmade journal, three high-quality brushes, and four watercolor paint strips.
Above: The Watercolor Paints Travel Case is $42 from Gypsya on Etsy. The handmade watercolor paints are made from natural flowers. The container is handmade from thin metal.
Above: The Holbein Artists’ Watercolor Travel Kit includes 12 watercolor tubes, two brushes, brush holders, a sponge, and a drawstring carrying bag; $94.60 from Jerry’s Artarama.
Above: The Lucas Aquarell 1862 Artists’ Watercolor Set of 12 colors is $65.90 from Jerry’s Artaram. The set is made in Germany and features high quality pigment.
Above: The Guerrilla Painter 6 by 8 Inch Thumbox (volume II) is $87.61 on Amazon. The traveling box holds two watercolor panels and features a slide-out palette and storage space. Several accessory parts can be added to the box.
Need an excuse to buy more art supplies? We suggest starting a Garden Journal.
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