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Trend Alert: GROW London, The Contemporary Garden Fair


Trend Alert: GROW London, The Contemporary Garden Fair

June 9, 2014

Why does London have all the luck? A new garden fair is coming to Hampstead Heath this month. Well, at least we get to co-sponsor it. Billed as a contemporary garden fair, GROW London will feature modern design, small-space garden ideas, informational workshops–and a trend forecast from our own editors.

We’ll be co-sponsoring the fair, which runs from June 20th to 22nd, on Hampstead Heath. Look for new and rare plants; fresh ideas in outdoor furniture, accessories, and planters for gardeners who want to extend their living space to the outdoors; and even a champagne bar. Tickets are £16; Gardenista readers will receive a 50 percent discount when they purchase tickets online at GROW London and use the discount code GROWGARDENISTA.

For more information, visit GROW London.

Above: Speakers will include floral designers Shane Connolly (perhaps you remember the wedding bouquet he made for Kate Middleton?), the very amusing gardening columnist James Alexander-Sinclair, and our own Christine Chang Hanway (with our trend forecast).

And don’t forget to stop by the Gardenista Editors’ Showcase of outdoor furniture and accessories, curated by our UK correspondent Kendra Wilson.

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