10 Things Nobody Tells You About Watering Your Garden
Does your plant look a little droopy? It’s more complicated than that—not very complicated, but there are a few things you need to know to meet one of your garden’s basic needs.
Photograph by Meredith Swinehart, from The Novice Gardener: Is It Safe to Eat Food Grown with Urban Water?
Different plants have different water needs. Succulents may only need water every few weeks.
1. You may want to consider grouping your plants by water requirements.
2. The soil will tell you went to water.
You should check the soil to see if you even need to water. Watering because it’s Monday because that’s when it’s convenient for you can be detrimental to your plants.
3. Watering the leaves is bad form.
Photograph by Tom Kubik for Gardenista, from Hardware 101: Smart Irrigation Controllers.
You need to water at the base of the plant where the roots are; watering the leaves doesn’t get the water where it’s needed and can cause fungal diseases and leaf scorch to boot.
Watering plants slowly is best, especially if it’s been dry. And if you’re in a drought, the soil can be as hard as concrete.
4. So is watering quickly.
Do not use sprinklers or the jet or spray setting on the spray nozzle of a hose to water your plants. Or better yet, take off the nozzle and use the hose without it.
5. Sprinklers are great for lawns—but not for gardens, shrubs, or trees.
6. The time of day matters when watering plants.
Early morning is the best time because it gives the plants what they need before they need it and minimizes the opportunity for fungal diseases to take hold as any above-ground moisture will evaporate during the day.
Not unless you know exactly how much rain you received.
After you think you’ve watered enough, dig a small hole about 6 inches deep, being careful not to damage the roots by digging at the drip line of the plant. How fast this happens will be based on soil type and how dry it’s been.
8. There’s a magic number that ensures you’ve watered enough.
Transplant shock happens when the tiny feeder roots are damaged during transplantation. Depending on the weather and the soil type, you may need to water three times a week for the first two weeks and then twice a week then on until established.
9. New plants need extra care.
Photograph by Marta Xochilt Perez, from 10 Edible Garden Ideas to Steal from Michigan’s Favorite Foodie Farmers.
10. Drip irrigation can be your best friend.
The most efficient way to deliver water to plants’ roots?