Taking photos in the garden is way harder than shooting indoors because you can’t control all the variables (have you ever seen it snow in a kitchen?).
Taking photos in the garden is way harder than shooting indoors because you can’t control all the variables (have you ever seen it snow in a kitchen?).
For more of her misty photos, see “A Gothic Garden Visit, Courtesy of the Mitfords.”
For more of her misty photos, see “A Gothic Garden Visit, Courtesy of the Mitfords.”
Tip No. 1: Avoid midday sun or harsh light.
Tip No. 1: Avoid midday sun or harsh light.
Kendra uses a Leica D-Lux 3, which looks like an old-fashioned tourist camera; a used model is $269.95 and a Leather Case is $74.95 from B&H.
Kendra uses a Leica D-Lux 3, which looks like an old-fashioned tourist camera; a used model is $269.95 and a Leather Case is $74.95 from B&H.
People always say ‘I like the leather case’ and I have to admit that the whole package fits my mental idea of what a camera should look like.”
People always say ‘I like the leather case’ and I have to admit that the whole package fits my mental idea of what a camera should look like.”
2: Take as many shots as as possible of the same thing, trying different angles and distances.
2: Take as many shots as as possible of the same thing, trying different angles and distances.
3 Remember that God is in the details When our London Editor Christine Hanway recently visited antiques dealer Will...
3 Remember that God is in the details When our London Editor Christine Hanway recently visited antiques dealer Will...
...Fisher s home she focused her camera on the many vignettes and details tucked into the design of his garden
...Fisher s home she focused her camera on the many vignettes and details tucked into the design of his garden
4: Look for the “architecture” of a plant. For more of her architectural arrangements, see “5 Favorites: Foraged Bouquets.”
4: Look for the “architecture” of a plant. For more of her architectural arrangements, see “5 Favorites: Foraged Bouquets.”
she says.
she says.
5: Get face-to-face with flowers.
5: Get face-to-face with flowers.
6: Get a portable, streamlined editing program you can use on the go.
6: Get a portable, streamlined editing program you can use on the go.
7: Tone down the exposure and brightness.
7: Tone down the exposure and brightness.
“An incredibly obvious tip is to always use natural light, says our Brooklyn correspondent Erin Boyle.
“An incredibly obvious tip is to always use natural light, says our Brooklyn correspondent Erin Boyle.
9: Get the shortest depth of focus possible.
9: Get the shortest depth of focus possible.
When shooting closeups our San Francisco editor Janet Hall likes to blur the background and put an intense focus on the item at hand Accordingly I go for...
When shooting closeups our San Francisco editor Janet Hall likes to blur the background and put an intense focus on the item at hand Accordingly I go for...
...the smallest aperture setting which really means the largest lens opening that my camera will handle For more of her photos see Seed Source The Homestead Squash Seeds
...the smallest aperture setting which really means the largest lens opening that my camera will handle For more of her photos see Seed Source The Homestead Squash Seeds
10: Bring the garden indoors and shoot plants in a larger context. Camellias were blooming in my yard last week, but on the bushes they looked like generic pink blobs (at least through my viewfinder).
10: Bring the garden indoors and shoot plants in a larger context. Camellias were blooming in my yard last week, but on the bushes they looked like generic pink blobs (at least through my viewfinder).