10 Unexpected Facts About Poinsettias

Photography by Michelle Slatalla for Gardenista,  unless otherwise stated

1. More poinsettias are sold than any other potted plant

2. You can buy more than 100 varieties of poinsettia.

Photo by Justine Hand for Gardenista

3. Poinsettias are not poisonous

Photo by Justine Hand for Gardenista

4. Poinsettias have colorful leaves (not flower petals). 

5. The poinsettia's real flower is the cluster of pods at the center of the leaves 

Photograph by Rina Pitucci via Flickr

6. Poinsettias are shrubs and can grow to be as big as small trees

7. You can coax a poinsettia to bloom again next Christmas--if you're dedicated. 

Photograph by John Merkl

8. Red is the most popular color of poinsettia

9. Poinsettia is the original hothouse flower

Photograph by Rina Pitucci via Flickr

10. The "i" is not silent: pronounce it poinsett-i-a