
5 Favorites: Pruners - Gardenista

5 Favorites: Pruners - Gardenista

If the house caught fire and on my way out the door I could grab one item—my most precious possession, the thing I can’t live without?
If the house caught fire and on my way out the door I could grab one item—my most precious possession, the thing I can’t live without?
I got my left handed, rotating Felco No. Together we have faced down thorny sour orange trees and overly enthusiastic euonymous bushes and belligerent bougainvillea.
I got my left handed, rotating Felco No. Together we have faced down thorny sour orange trees and overly enthusiastic euonymous bushes and belligerent bougainvillea.
Some things are easily replaced. My Felcos have had their springs refurbished, and one year they got a new cutting blade.
Some things are easily replaced. My Felcos have had their springs refurbished, and one year they got a new cutting blade.
Image by Felco SA, via Flickr.
Image by Felco SA, via Flickr.
A snail’s eye view in the garden.
A snail’s eye view in the garden.
Image via Fine Tools.
Image via Fine Tools.
“I’ve had my pair of Toshibo pruners for around 15 years,” says landscape designer Sean Quigley, who owns Paxton Gate in San Francisco.
“I’ve had my pair of Toshibo pruners for around 15 years,” says landscape designer Sean Quigley, who owns Paxton Gate in San Francisco.
LA-based landscape designer Judy Kameon, whose clients include Sofia Coppola and the Beastie Boys’ Mike D., says: “I do have a favorite pair of pruners.
LA-based landscape designer Judy Kameon, whose clients include Sofia Coppola and the Beastie Boys’ Mike D., says: “I do have a favorite pair of pruners.
“I have six or seven pair of Bahcos floating around among my employees and my own home garden toolboxes,” says Genevieve Schmidt, a California-based landscape designer and garden writer.
“I have six or seven pair of Bahcos floating around among my employees and my own home garden toolboxes,” says Genevieve Schmidt, a California-based landscape designer and garden writer.
After searching in vain for a lightweight pair of pruners sized for a woman’s hand, British designer Sophie Conran (daughter of Terence) designed the Sophie Conran Hand Pruners to use in her own garden.
After searching in vain for a lightweight pair of pruners sized for a woman’s hand, British designer Sophie Conran (daughter of Terence) designed the Sophie Conran Hand Pruners to use in her own garden.
Image via Ocado.
Image via Ocado.
My favorites, the Lefthanded Felco No.
My favorites, the Lefthanded Felco No.