A Gas Station Transformed: Gallerist Juerg Judin at Home in Berlin - Gardenista

A Gas Station Transformed: Gallerist Juerg Judin at Home in Berlin - Gardenista

A Gas Station Transformed: Gallerist Juerg Judin at Home in Berlin - Gardenista

Every abandoned building fascinates Berlin gallerist Juerg Judin. Today online magazine Freunde von Freunden publishes an exclusive interview (and garden visit) with Judin, who rescued a dilapidated Shell gas station and turned it into an oasis in a crowded city.
Every abandoned building fascinates Berlin gallerist Juerg Judin. Today online magazine Freunde von Freunden publishes an exclusive interview (and garden visit) with Judin, who rescued a dilapidated Shell gas station and turned it into an oasis in a crowded city.
Photography by Ailine Liefeld courtesy of Freunde von Freunden.
Photography by Ailine Liefeld courtesy of Freunde von Freunden.
Judin first saw the 1950s-era gas station in 1992 (and a For Sale sign appeared in the window a few years later).
Judin first saw the 1950s-era gas station in 1992 (and a For Sale sign appeared in the window a few years later).
“It’s a true luxury to have a house with a garden in the middle of the city,” says Judin.
“It’s a true luxury to have a house with a garden in the middle of the city,” says Judin.
See Freunde von Freunden’s video version of the story here.
See Freunde von Freunden’s video version of the story here.
“Building a garden with 50-year-old pines in the middle of the city is of course a kind of statement; especially since the wall keeps this haven hidden from the outside world,” says Judin.
“Building a garden with 50-year-old pines in the middle of the city is of course a kind of statement; especially since the wall keeps this haven hidden from the outside world,” says Judin.
Judin worked with landscape architect Guido Hager to create the garden.
Judin worked with landscape architect Guido Hager to create the garden.
Judin has three Ayam Cemani chickens, a breed from Indonesia.
Judin has three Ayam Cemani chickens, a breed from Indonesia.
Stands of bamboo flank a small pond in the garden.
Stands of bamboo flank a small pond in the garden.