Before and After: A One-Month Makeover for Alison Cayne's NYC Backyard - Gardenista
Before and After: A One-Month Makeover for Alison Cayne's NYC Backyard - Gardenista
When Alison Cayne moved into her townhouse in New York City’s West Village in 2012, she was happy with all the outdoor space she was getting. What’s more, her younger son (now 10) found that the slate flagstones underfoot played havoc with his basketball game.
When Alison Cayne moved into her townhouse in New York City’s West Village in 2012, she was happy with all the outdoor space she was getting. What’s more, her younger son (now 10) found that the slate flagstones underfoot played havoc with his basketball game.
Photography by Douglas Lyle Thompson, except where noted.
Photography by Douglas Lyle Thompson, except where noted.
The backyard’s new look. The basketball hoop is easily wheeled out of the way for parties; otherwise, it sees a lot of use.
The backyard’s new look. The basketball hoop is easily wheeled out of the way for parties; otherwise, it sees a lot of use.
Photographs by Ali Cayne.
Photographs by Ali Cayne.
Two seasonal views of the backyard before renovation.
Two seasonal views of the backyard before renovation.
Photograph by Ali Cayne.
Photograph by Ali Cayne.
(from left) Contemplating brick choices; the plan drawn up by Twin Stone Restoration, a Brooklyn-based contractor.
(from left) Contemplating brick choices; the plan drawn up by Twin Stone Restoration, a Brooklyn-based contractor.
The completed backyard, as seen from the second-floor terrace. The job took only a month; removing excess soil and debris from the back proved to be the biggest challenge.
The completed backyard, as seen from the second-floor terrace. The job took only a month; removing excess soil and debris from the back proved to be the biggest challenge.
The back stairs lead down from the townhouse’s open kitchen.
The back stairs lead down from the townhouse’s open kitchen.
A reading corner at the rear.
A reading corner at the rear.
In warm weather, Cayne and the kids eat outside whenever they can.
In warm weather, Cayne and the kids eat outside whenever they can.
Flowers on the table came from the backyard’s planters.
Flowers on the table came from the backyard’s planters.
This wall-mounted stone fountain (and the ivy) came with the house. Even without water, Cayne likes it just as it is.
This wall-mounted stone fountain (and the ivy) came with the house. Even without water, Cayne likes it just as it is.
An embroidered Indian fabric lends color to a couch.
An embroidered Indian fabric lends color to a couch.
Wharf lights along the walls illuminate evening get-togethers.
Wharf lights along the walls illuminate evening get-togethers.
An accomplished griller who has always enjoyed cooking, Cayne fixes family meals on the Weber almost every night.
An accomplished griller who has always enjoyed cooking, Cayne fixes family meals on the Weber almost every night.
A tiny visitor explores a coneflower blossom. Mismatched pots and planters in the backyard also hold black-eyed Susans, mountain laurel, eastern red cedar, and mixed perennial herbs.
A tiny visitor explores a coneflower blossom. Mismatched pots and planters in the backyard also hold black-eyed Susans, mountain laurel, eastern red cedar, and mixed perennial herbs.
The yellow terra cotta urn at the top of the stairs was a gift from a friend’s parents, owners of the garden design center Eye of the Day, in Carpinteria, CA.
The yellow terra cotta urn at the top of the stairs was a gift from a friend’s parents, owners of the garden design center Eye of the Day, in Carpinteria, CA.
No perfectionist, Cayne revels in the backyard’s “hodge-podgy” look, saying, “I didn’t want it to look prissy.” The peeling paint on the brick wall looks much as it did when the family moved in.
No perfectionist, Cayne revels in the backyard’s “hodge-podgy” look, saying, “I didn’t want it to look prissy.” The peeling paint on the brick wall looks much as it did when the family moved in.
On the second-floor terrace outside the master bedroom, potted herbs, shrubs, and flowers flank an outdoor barrel sauna that came in a DIY kit from Northern Lights, a Belgian company with a branch in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
On the second-floor terrace outside the master bedroom, potted herbs, shrubs, and flowers flank an outdoor barrel sauna that came in a DIY kit from Northern Lights, a Belgian company with a branch in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
The terrace off the fourth floor, where Cayne’s two sons have bedrooms, has a stunning view of the landmark Jefferson Market Library, with its Gothic clock tower.
The terrace off the fourth floor, where Cayne’s two sons have bedrooms, has a stunning view of the landmark Jefferson Market Library, with its Gothic clock tower.
The sturdy, self-irrigating planters were constructed and installed by Brooklyn Grange, a rooftop farming business. The planter in the middle is dedicated to strawberry plants, the one at left is mostly basil and cherry tomatoes.
The sturdy, self-irrigating planters were constructed and installed by Brooklyn Grange, a rooftop farming business. The planter in the middle is dedicated to strawberry plants, the one at left is mostly basil and cherry tomatoes.
A protected bed holds kale, parsley, peppers, and fennel. And if you climb a ladder to see what’s on top of the building, you’ll find a roof planted with sedum.
A protected bed holds kale, parsley, peppers, and fennel. And if you climb a ladder to see what’s on top of the building, you’ll find a roof planted with sedum.