The plants that grow around a swimming pool landscape can add privacy and create a serene, inviting landscape. But pool environments are notoriously harsh on plants. Read on for a list of our favorite hardy pool plants.

Photo by Laure Joliet

1. Tropical Plants

Photo by Warrenski via Flickr

Bird-of-paradise (strelitzia nicolai) grows fast and tall.

Tropical grass-like plants are a good choice, too.

Photo by Matthew Williams

Palms create a strong vertical element and add privacy.

Photo via Airbnb

2. Succulents

Photo by Matthew Williams

Photo by Steve Gunther

With their sculptural appeal and low-maintenance needs, succulents are a great choice.

3. Hardy Shrubs

Photo by Matthew Williams

Shrubs add greenery and require minimal care.

4. Ground Cover

Photo by Michael Moran

Moss is a great option for between pool pavers.

Artificial grass is zero maintenance and tolerates heavy foot traffic.

Photo by Mimi Giboin

5. Vines

Photo by Lauren Moore

Vines can add privacy when trained up a trellis.