First-time designers Cameron and Stephanie Paterson of Grounded Gardens took on a challenge when they revamped an empty garden lot in a Melbourne suburb, but they met it head on, creating a stunning courtyard with year-round color.
Planted along the front path are Correa Lawrenceana, Acacia Baileyana, Grevillia 'Suberb', and Adenathos Sericeus.
Inside the front gate, the courtyard doubles as an outdoor living room.
Designer Stephanie Paterson updated the outdoor furniture with two Angelucci Butterfly Chairs and Jardan's Stanley Stool.
Grounded Gardens designed retaining walls to create raised planting beds along the fence line.
Growing next to the front door is an Acer Palmatum (Japanese maple tree).
In the backyard is a patio with paved slate and an open-air pergola with suspended lighting.
The side of the house is planted with Berberus Vulgaris, Phlomis Fuiticosa, Sedum autumn joy, and Acer Palmatum.