
DIY: How to Make a Vase of Cut Flowers Last a Week - Gardenista

DIY: How to Make a Vase of Cut Flowers Last a Week - Gardenista

Photography by Justine Hand for Gardenista.
Photography by Justine Hand for Gardenista.
A good garden is always in flux, introducing new colors, and textures throughout the season. But while we celebrate the vicissitudes of nature, we tend to think of the cut floral arrangement as static.
A good garden is always in flux, introducing new colors, and textures throughout the season. But while we celebrate the vicissitudes of nature, we tend to think of the cut floral arrangement as static.
My choices: fresh spring blooms from Winston Flowers included lilacs, ranunculus, narcissus, and leggy French tulips.
My choices: fresh spring blooms from Winston Flowers included lilacs, ranunculus, narcissus, and leggy French tulips.
Day 1
Day 1
I also chose grape hyacinths and sweet peas for their more demure stature.
I also chose grape hyacinths and sweet peas for their more demure stature.
Freshly arranged, my bouquet added a much-needed touch of spring to the Halloween Hall decor that I never took down!
Freshly arranged, my bouquet added a much-needed touch of spring to the Halloween Hall decor that I never took down!
I dubbed this version of my arrangement “Bodacious Spring,” and used pink ranunculus, lavender lilacs, and sherbet frosted narcissus to create a look that was both breezy and lush.
I dubbed this version of my arrangement “Bodacious Spring,” and used pink ranunculus, lavender lilacs, and sherbet frosted narcissus to create a look that was both breezy and lush.
Day 2
Day 2
Still fresh and opening up a bit. After one day, my swooping tulips gave my previously vertical arrangement a more horizontal aspect.
Still fresh and opening up a bit. After one day, my swooping tulips gave my previously vertical arrangement a more horizontal aspect.
Calamity: one of my ranunculus blossoms broke. In addition, one narcissus had already faded and the tulips had run completely amok.
Calamity: one of my ranunculus blossoms broke. In addition, one narcissus had already faded and the tulips had run completely amok.
Day 3
Day 3
Day 5
Day 5
After the lilacs, narcissus, and sweet peas all wilted, it was finally time to remove them from the arrangement and merge my two bouquets into a smaller arrangement.
After the lilacs, narcissus, and sweet peas all wilted, it was finally time to remove them from the arrangement and merge my two bouquets into a smaller arrangement.
Eking the last life out of my arrangement, I cut the tulips even shorter.
Eking the last life out of my arrangement, I cut the tulips even shorter.
Day 7
Day 7