Photography by Mimi Giboin

Foxgloves are notoriously fickle--owing to their biennial nature and a tendency to self-sow freely, they usually don't show up when or where you expect them. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to transform foxgloves into a simple (and showstopper) floral arrangement.

1. Put foxgloves in water.

One of the best reasons to cut flowers is it gives you the opportunity to closely examine them.

2. Strip leaves off flower stalks.

3. Give each flower a fresh cut.

4. Choose the right vase.

5. Allow the foxgloves to drape over the vase.

6. Mix and match foxglove colors.

With such tall stalks, you don’t need any filler flowers or foliage.

7. Do not eat any part of a foxglove plant.

8. Keep adding water to the vase.