Photography by Nathan Fried Lipski of Nate Photography

Built in 1930, a shingled seaside cottage and its sprawling gardens in Little Compton, Rhode Island had seen better days by the time Dara and Dan Brewster bought the property in 2000. But then, isn’t every garden an ever-evolving rehab project? Come with us on a tour.

Roses grow over the front entryway.

The major challenge in creating the seaside garden was to choose plants that would prove impervious to salt, sea spray, and wind.

Dan Brewster and his son, Graham, 26, built the dry-stone retaining walls.

An exuberant morning glory vine climbs a lamppost.

Hydrangeas stand guard over the sunflowers.

The Brewsters have two perennial gardens, a kitchen garden (with four raised beds), and a naturalized garden along the perimeter of the property.

Purple and white phlox in full summer bloom.