Gardening 101: Chocolate Cosmos
Gardening 101: Chocolate Cosmos
Gardening 101: Chocolate Cosmos
This charming cutie does in fact smell like chocolate, like something you’d find in Willy Wonka’s candy factory.
Chocolate Cosmos, Cosmos atrosanguineus
Photograph by Tom Mannion, from Designer Visit: Arne Maynard at Home in Wales.
One can describe the color of this unique Cosmos as wine-red, sophisticated (especially when paired with white blooming plants) —or yummy.
The shortened history is that this plant arrived in England from Mexico and was then introduced to the plant trade by William Thompson (founder of famed Thompson and Morgan Seed Company) back in 1885.
Photograph by Clare Coulson, from Chelsea Flower Show 2021: A Master Class in Autumn Color.
A few chocolate cosmos mingling in a garden of color at last year’s Chelsea Flower Show.
Well, it turns out that the flower was not actually extinct in the wild and, in fact, was found in New Zealand. To avoid this issue, make sure you plant this flower in full sun, provide plenty of space between plants, and make sure there is good air flow.
Cheat Sheet
Cheat Sheet
A Fresh Chocolate Cosmos Bunch is $98 at Terrain.
• A few cultivars to choose from: ‘Chocamocha’ (the easiest one to find in nurseries), ‘Dark Secret’ and ‘Spellbound’.
• Add this sweet-smelling flower to a cutting garden, cottage border, habitat garden or mixed into a container.
• Plays nicely with airy grasses and rambunctious wildflowers.
• Make sure to cut some and add them to a bouquet.
• Bees and butterflies love to visit and dine on this flower.
• Bees and butterflies love to visit and dine on this flower.
• The verdict is still out on whether this plant is deer resistant or not.
Photograph by Greenery Nursery Garden & Shop via Flickr.
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