Greatest Hits 2022: A Small Brooklyn Backyard Where ‘Every Detail, Every Inch’ Is Important
Greatest Hits 2022: A Small Brooklyn Backyard Where ‘Every Detail, Every Inch’ Is Important
Greatest Hits 2022: A Small Brooklyn Backyard Where ‘Every Detail, Every Inch’ Is Important
Greatest Hits 2022: Each day this week, we’re republishing the most popular posts of the year, in case you missed them the first time around.
Greatest Hits 2022: Each day this week, we’re republishing the most popular posts of the year, in case you missed them the first time around.
Photography by Matthew Williams, courtesy of Julie’s firm, XS Space.
(“As with most townhouses, the mix of sun and shade is always an iffy proposition when it comes to lawns,” says Julie, by way of explaining why they chose synthetic over real grass.). This was due in part to the disruption caused by the pandemic.
Ipe wood was used for the horizontal fencing and the graduated walkway.
Porcelain pavers closer to the house add to the textural palette.
In the bed just behind this built-in bench are an effusive mix of Mexican feathergrass, fountain grass, swamp milkweed, Corepsis ‘Moonbeam’, hyssop, Gaura lindheimeri.
In the bed just behind this built-in bench are an effusive mix of Mexican feathergrass, fountain grass, swamp milkweed, Corepsis ‘Moonbeam’, hyssop, Gaura lindheimeri.
The terrace just off the kitchen on the parlor floor.
The view from the kitchen.
The upper terrace has a Zen feel.
Prior to the remodel this site was an overgrown mosquito y backyard with the typical urban issues questions of how to to tie into neighboring grades gracefully how to remove...
...a random metal ladder in the middle of the rear view a falling down concrete wall falling down fences between neighbors old wires with questionable functionality and ownership The usual