For this bouquet, select wintry hues and textures--and add a pop of pink. Justine used Silver Brunia Nodiflora, Creamy David Austen roses, false cypress, pink hydrangeas, and chocolate Queen Anne's Lace.
Creamy David Austen roses (which have an intoxicating smell) and false cypress also embodied the feel of the winter woods.
To soften the spikier aspects of my arrangement and to add a bit of Victorian- era romance, I chose the soft, snowflake forms of pink hydrangeas and chocolate Queen Anne’s Lace.
Brunia does not require any special treatment, but as with all woody stemmed flowers, a long diagonal cut will allow it to draw more water.
So as not to obscure the dynamic forms of the flowers–and to capture something of a wild feel–Justine left her winter romance bouquet loose and a little unruly.
The heathered tint and ball-like structure of the silver brunia lend an enticing texture and contrast to the bouquet.
A bit of hanging cypress and a reindeer antler found by Justine's stepfather on the Alaskan tundra complete the wintry scene.