The Fern and I: How to Hang a DIY Staghorn Fern - Gardenista
I’ve debated hanging a staghorn fern in my apartment for years. Several trips to local garden shops later (to say nothing of late-night wooden crate disassembly), I came up with a foolproof system.
Photography by Erin Boyle.
The finished project—we’ll get there!
Choose a staghorn fern that has a flat surface. Step 1: Start out with a healthy staghorn fern.
Step 2: Use something round to trace a circle on your board that’s at least an inch wider than the circumference of the plant you’re hoping to mount.
Create a support system for the staghorn fern. The more nails you use, the more opportunity you have to secure your plant, so feel free to go crazy.
Lay a base of soil on the board.
Prepare the staghorn fern for mounting. Place the plant on top of the soil.
Use sheet moss as a green backdrop.
Step 7: Tie one end of the monofilament fishing line around one of the nails and stretch the line across the base of the fern to a nail on the opposite side of the circle.
Be patient when you wrap.
Take the staghorn fern for a test drive before hanging it on a wall. Step 9: After the plant has been secured to the board, gently lift it vertically to make sure that it’s been properly attached.
Prettier than a picture. A nice mist in the interim will help keep it happy.